Winter Futsal

Winter Futsal


Mt. Lebanon Soccer Association Winter Indoor Soccer 5v5 Program

Eligible Grades: 1st through 12th
Note: Registration for high school players will be available at a later date.

Locations and Times:

  • Location 1: Mt. Lebanon High School Gym (Gold, North, and South)
    Sundays only, from 10 AM to 2 PM
  • Location 2: Greentree Municipality Gym
    Saturdays from 9 AM to 1 PM and Sundays from 1 PM to 5 PMr

Note:  We are currently looking for additional Gym Space and will add to our options as we move forward.  

Program Dates:
The program will run for 8 weeks indoors, starting January 10th and concluding March 2nd. Following this, we will have 2 weeks of outdoor play in Mt. Lebanon (weather permitting).

This enjoyable pick-up game is based on an outdoor futsal format, promoting free play with minimal instruction in a supervised environment where the game itself facilitates learning.

Important Information:

  • We aim to have separate leagues for boys and girls where possible, but may incorporate coed play if certain age groups have low enrollment. Final decisions will be made closer to the end of registration based on enrollment numbers.
  • Games will take place on Saturdays or Sundays, with a consistent schedule. We’ll provide specific details as we approach the end of registration, and the schedule may adjust if additional gym space becomes available.
  • This league consists solely of games; there will be no practices.
  • Team groupings will be established after registration closes.
  • We are coordinating with the municipality to minimize conflicts with the basketball program.
  • The program will last 8 to 10 weeks, with each team guaranteed at least one game slot per week.
  • Games will follow traditional indoor 5v5 rules, featuring referees. Please note: no physical play, kick-ins, and penalty limits will apply.

Volunteer Coaches Needed:
We are always looking for volunteers to help manage teams. If you're interested in joining our association, please complete the volunteer section during player registration. All volunteers must submit clearances and complete our SafeSport Program.

Benefits of Futsal

Futsal prioritizes creating a motivating environment that fosters learning and enjoyment. The more pleasure players derive from their participation, the more likely they are to play and practice on their own. While the instinct to play is natural, a love for the game must be nurtured. Futsal serves as an excellent foundation for this, offering numerous benefits:

  • Frequent Ball Touches: Players enjoy ample opportunities to engage with the ball, the primary focus of the game.
  • Goal Scoring Opportunities: Futsal promotes a high-scoring environment, allowing players to experience the excitement of scoring frequently.
  • Encourages Defensive Play: Regaining possession of the ball becomes a fun and rewarding part of the game, emphasizing the importance of defending.
  • Maximizes Participation: The game structure ensures active involvement, reducing periods of inactivity and boredom.
  • Organized Playing Environment: Futsal utilizes improvised fields that enhance gameplay.
  • Player Development Focus: The philosophy of player development aligns with the teachings of state and national coaching schools.
  • Simplified Rules: Complicated rules, such as offside, are eliminated, allowing young players to engage fully in the game.
  • Role of the Coach: Coaches act as facilitators, guiding players rather than dictating play.
  • Beginner Coach Friendly: The simplicity of the game makes it easier for new volunteer coaches to step in and contribute.
  • The Game as Teacher: Futsal creates an environment where the game itself teaches valuable skills and lessons.

Helpful Links to Understand Futsal:

Cost: $120 per player. Financial assistance is available if needed. Please email us at for more information.

Register here